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MST PTA Board Member
Position Descriptions


Executive Board 


  • President: The President oversees and coordinates the work of the executive board to run the PTA effectively, presides at PTA board and association meetings, and serves as the official contact, communicator, and representative of a PTA. 

  • Secretary: The Secretary takes meeting minutes at board meetings and general membership meetings, handles PTA correspondence, tracks and coordinates Board Member training courses, ethics agreements, and plans of work, and maintains and preserves all PTA records and important documents. 

  • Treasurer: The Treasurer maintains permanent records to track funds and financial transactions, pays all PTA bills, ensures required taxes and reports are submitted, prepares reports for every board and membership meeting and an annual financial report, chairs the budget committee, and prepares annual budget for adoption by the PTA. 

  • Parliamentarian: The Parliamentarian advises on questions of parliamentary procedure; serves as ex-officio on the bylaws (and standing rules, if applicable) review committee; and schedules the first nominating committee meeting and provides the committee the required information on the nomination and election process.  

  • 1st Vice President (Programs): The 1st VP researched, coordinates, and publicizes events and programs to be presented to students and families which support PTA goals and establishes and acts as Chair of the Programs Committee, which consists of committees for arts in education, environment & garden, diversity & inclusion, and multicultural night, among others. 

  • 2nd Vice President (Fundraising): The 2nd VP plans, supervises, and makes a report of any fundraising projects necessary for financing the work of the PTA, submits all monies received from financial projects, acts as Vice-Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee, and establishes and acts as Chair of the Fundraising Committee, which consists of committees for school supply sales and school spirit/spirit wear.  

  • 3rd Vice President (Membership): The 3rd VP recruits and campaigns for members, keeps an accurate record of PTA membership, tracks and submits membership dues, acts as Chair of the Life Membership Committee, and establishes and acts as Chair of the Membership Committee, which consists of committees for newcomers and SAGE, as well as the RISD Council delegates, and the faculty liaison. 

  • 4th Vice President (Engagement): The 4th VP recruits and provides volunteers as needed, submits recorded volunteer hours to Richardson ISD Council of PTAs, serves on the Life Membership committee, recruits and supervises youth volunteers, and establishes and acts as Chair of the Community Engagement Committee, which consists of committees for room parents, staff appreciation, Tiger Squad (dads’ club), clothes closet, library, and field day. 

  • 5th Vice President (Communications): The 5th VP prepares and distributes all communications and publicity for the PTA, including the newsletter and social media content, ensures compliance with all social media and publicity guidelines, maintains the online calendar and website with current events and information, and establishes and acts as Chair of the Communications committee, which consists of committees for advocacy, Tuesday Folders, and yearbook.  


Committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs 


  • Advocacy: This committee disseminates parent education and information to the membership and promotes good citizenship. This can include information related to pending legislation during Texas legislative years, information from council and state health services initiatives, school safety, and technology trends and needs. The Advocacy Committee Chair serves as a member of the Communications Committee. 

  • Arts in Education: This committee coordinates the annual National PTA Reflections program. It assists children, parents, and the community in their knowledge and appreciation of the cultural arts in its many forms and coordinates with the arts Specials teachers (art, music, and band) on promoting arts in education. The Arts in Education Committee Chair serves as a member of the Programs Committee. 

  • Diversity and Inclusion: This committee is charged with supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the PTA by communicating these beliefs and definitions with other PTA members and critically reflecting on areas where the PTA has had successes and where it has challenges when it comes to diversity, equity, and inclusion. This committee will include the Vice-Chair in charge of Multicultural Night. The Diversity and Inclusion Committee Chair will serve on the Programs Committee.
  • Environment and Garden: This committee works to support the school garden and Garden Day. This committee assists the school with Earth Day activities, if held. Also, it informs the membership about environmental issues such as recycling and energy conservation. The Chair of this committee will serve on the Programs Committee.

  • Room Parent Coordination: This committee shall act as a liaison between room parents, the teachers, and the executive board. The Chair shall coordinate the various activities for which room parents are responsible (e.g., classroom parties, staff luncheons). This committee will assist the 4th Vice President with campus volunteer coordination. The Chair of this committee will serve on the Campus Engagement Committee. 

  • Staff Appreciation: This committee expresses the PTA’s appreciation to the staff, including luncheon(s), treats, arranging volunteers to stock the teachers’ lounge, and coordinating Staff Appreciation Week in the Spring. The Chair of this committee will serve on the Campus Engagement Committee. 

  • Tiger Squad: This committee will create social and service opportunities to engage male-identifying family and community members to volunteer and serve as role models and guides for students. The Chair of this committee will serve on the Campus Engagement Committee. 

  • 6th grade Representatives (2): These individuals will organize the 6th grade parent committee in charge of 6th grade activities including, but not limited to, 6th grade shirts and graduation. These individuals are members of the Programs Committee and as such are welcomed as non-voting members at Executive Board Meetings. 

  • Multicultural Night: The Vice-Chair promotes the inclusion of all cultures within the school and community and coordinates MST’s annual Multicultural Night program to further understanding by students, parents, and the community of the differences and similarities of the school’s diverse cultures. The Vice-Chair is a member of the Programs Committee.  

  • School Spirit: The vice chair is in charge of school spirit. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, school spirit wear sales and school spirit night fundraising nights. The vice chair is a member of the Fundraising Committee and as such is welcomed as a non-voting member at Executive Board Meetings. 

  • School Supplies: The vice chair shall work with the faculty to put together a list of school supplies needed for each grade level and publicize the list to the membership. If the board chooses to sell supplies, this committee shall work with vendors to put together packages of supplies and coordinate the sale and delivery of the supplies. The vice chair is a member of the Fundraising Committee and as such is welcomed as a non-voting member at Executive Board Meetings. 

  • Newcomers: The Newcomers Vice-Chair welcomes newcomers to the school throughout the year and invites them to participate in PTA functions and provides newcomers with written information about the school and the local community. The Vice-Chair will plan beginning-of-the-year events such as Popsicles on the Playground for incoming Kindergarten students and Cheers and Tears Breakfast on the first day of school. The Vice-Chair is a member of the Membership Committee. 

  • SAGE (Special and Gifted Education): The vice chair provides advocacy and support for the families and educators of RISD students with special needs and learning differences. They will work with the RISD SAGE PTA and MST SAGE staff. The vice chair is a member of the Membership Committee and as such is welcomed as a non-voting member at Executive Board Meetings. 

  • Faculty Liaison: This position is appointed by the principal with board approval.  It serves as a communication link between the faculty, staff, and PTA. They will encourage staff membership and participation in the PTA and solicit staff input for PTA events and initiatives. The liaison is a member of the Membership Committee and as such is welcomed as a non-voting member at Executive Board Meetings. 

  • RISD Council Delegates (2): These individuals will participate in Richardson ISD Council of PTAs discussions and deliberations, report announcements, important actions and the Richardson ISD Council of PTAs’ program to the MST PTA membership and board, and coordinate participation in council-sponsored activities, such as the Used Book Fair and 1st and 2nd Grade plays. The representatives are members of the Membership Committee. 

  • Clothes Closet: The vice chair coordinates and trains volunteers for the Clothes Closet, which is a project managed by the Richardson ISD Council of PTAs. They manage the Lost & Found area on campus. The vice chair is a member of the Community Engagement Committee. 

  • Library: The vice chair promotes an interest in reading and assists the Librarian with projects. They are also responsible for Librarian Recognition Day, which includes Tech Specialists. The vice chair is also responsible for author visits, as included in the budget by the Executive Board. The vice chair is a member of the Community Engagement Committee. 

  • Field Day: The vice chair works with campus staff to plan and execute Field Day including volunteer coordination. The vice chair is a member of the Community Engagement Committee. 

  • Tuesday Folder Representative: The Vice-Chair will coordinate volunteers and/or oversee committee members who will collect, stuff, and organize folders of information distributed to each student every Tuesday, as needed. The Vice-Chair is a member of the Communications Committee. 

  • Yearbook Representative: The Vice-Chair creates and prepares a yearbook to be distributed at the close of the school year. They will coordinate with the Fundraising Committee on ad sales and yearbook sales. The Vice-Chair is a member of the Communications Committee.